Title: Last of the Right Whales Screening
Date: November 13, 2022
Time: 2:00-3:30pm
Host(s): Dr. Carol Pride, Savannah State University
Location: Savannah State University, Ballroom A in the Student Union (3219 College Street Savannah, GA 31404)
Description: Join Savannah State University students for a free screening of the Last of the Right Whale. From the only known calving grounds to the shifting feeding grounds, Last of the Right Whales follows the North Atlantic right whale migration and the people committed to saving a species still struggling to recover from centuries of hunting. Now climate change is forcing right whales further north in search of food, putting them on a collision course with deadly ships and fishing gear. With unprecedented access to film the whale migration, Last of the Right Whales brings a message of hope about the most at risk great whale on the planet. View the Trailer.