Whale Week 4.0
Attendance is free of charge. Events are in-person and/or virtual as specified below. Some events require registration. All times are US US Eastern Daylight Time.
The Big Tide Environmental Career Fair (November 16 – 1130am – Savannah)
1130am-3pm, Savannah Convention Center (open to public) [map] ↑
- Hosted by: AECOM Engineers and RG Media Affiliates LLC
- Description: Chatham County career job fair focusing on environmental jobs/ocean jobs. Check out environmental career employers & organizations, FAFSA application assistance, interactive exhibits, entertainment, and live ocean side leadership chat! And more!
Lunchtime Talk: Right Whale Conservation In Georgia (November 17 – Noon – Virtual)
Noon, Facebook Live ↑
- Hosted by: Georgia Conservancy
- Description: A discussion with two leaders in right whale conservation: Clay George and Kim Sawicki. At noon (ET) on Wednesday, November 17, go to the Georgia Conservancy Facebook page (www.facebook.com/georgiaconservancy) to hear from two of our most dynamic figures working on right whale Conservation. Joining Charles McMillan, Coastal Director, will be Clay George, from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and Kim Sawicki, an innovative researcher in using “ropeless” fishing gear, which holds promise to transform entanglement threats in Georgia.
- You do not need to register; the event will be live on the FB page and a link on the Georgia Conservancy website soon after the event.
Whales and Women (November 17 – 4pm – Virtual)
4pm, Zoom ↑
- Hosted by: Tybee Island Marine Science Center and Oceana
- A panel discussion with women working in North Atlantic right whale conservation. From science to policy and organizing, hear about how women are leading the charge to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales.
- Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsc-qvrDItG9e8RR3l8Z5D2ow6qLzhV3E0 –
Journey to the Home of the Right Whale (November 18 – 3pm – Tybee)
1pm, Tybee Island Maritime Academy [map] ↑
- Hosted by: Tybee Island Maritime Academy
- Description: Sixth grade TIMA students are creating an event with station activities for our first grade students to encourage and empower them to participate in Right Whale conservation.
Pop-Up for a Purpose (November 18 – 6pm – Savannah)
6:00pm-9:00pm, Starland Yard [map] ↑
- Hosted by: Litefoot Company
- Description: Learn about North Atlantic right whales and sign a petition to increase their protections while you shop for sustainable home goods in Savannah’s original mobile refillery, “Hilary the Refillery.”
Manifesting Action for North Atlantic Right Whales (November 18 – 630pm – Virtual)
630pm, Zoom ↑
- Hosted by: Savannah Chatham Sustainability Coalition Ltd
- Description: Virtual call to have a creative experience to visualize a healthy future for the North Atlantic right whales. Participants will learn how to create a hanging mobile (Manifesting Mobile). Conversation will be guided towards action steps we can take to protect the whales as well as gratitude we have for all creatures in the oceans. This event provides information to educate and empower the participants to be a part of Making Earth Day Every Day.
- Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvce2orDksGNMWv24trGd4I7vuE-LLLFiK
Music for Whale Rights (November 19 – Noon – Virtual)
Noon, YouTube Live ↑
- Hosted by: Dana Kahn, Emory University student
- Description: Environmental activism through musical performance with commentary in between original songs written by Dana Kahn.
- EventBrite Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/music-for-whale-rights-virtual-concert-tickets-195304118877
- Youtube Live Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRpigN-UWGo&feature=youtu.be
Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals, an evening with Alexis Pauline Gumbs (November 19 – 7pm – Virtual)
7pm, Zoom ↑
- Hosted by: Whale Week and Susie King Taylor Institute
- Description: Book reading and conversation with Queer Black Troublemaker and Black Feminist Love Evangelist and an aspirational cousin to all sentient beings, Alexis Pauline Gumbs
- Zoom registration: https://susiekingtaylorinstitute-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrd-2qpzgqEtZbcL2GBVnbnrbk5AXsdxEl
Whale Wishes: Intraspecies Affirmations (November 20 – 1030am – Tybee)
1030am, Tybee Island Marine Science Center [map] ↑
- Hosted by: Susie King Taylor & Coastal Black Women’s Ocean Memory and Conservation Collective
- Tour of TIMSC and Gathering of about 30-40 people at TIMSC outdoors facility to read affirmations for protection of NARW and healing between humans and whales, includes whale song/music, food, face painting.